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發布時間:2021-02-25 10:45:08

A. 市場營銷需要口語考試嗎


B. 學市場營銷需要去考英語口語嗎


C. 市場營銷專業用英語怎麼說

市場營銷專業:Marketing major


Many persons who study the marketing but without many business experiences just think that marketing is sales and advertise.


Marketing myopia is a term used in marketing as well as the title of an important marketing paper written by Theodore Levitt.


sales representative

讀法:[ˈseilz ˌrepriˈzentətiv]

例句:She had a stressful job as a sales representative. 作為一名銷售代表,她的工作壓力很大。



讀法:英 [ˈseɪlzmən] 美 [ˈselzmən]

例句:Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen. 醫生們抱怨他們疲於應付醫葯公司的銷售人員。


讀法:英 [ˈseɪlzpɜ:sn] 美 [ˈseɪlzpɜ:rsn]

例句:The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello. 售貨員熱情地和我打招呼。

salespeople( salesperson的名詞復數 )

讀法:英 ['seɪlzˌpi:pl] 美 ['seɪlzˌpi:pəl]

例句:He had a staff of six salespeople working for him. 他手下有6名銷售人員為他工作。

D. "市場營銷「用英語怎麼說

marketing management市場營銷

E. 市場營銷英語sample

Its success has rested on clever marketing an eye for innovation and strong customer service.
Sales Assistant 銷售助理
Wholesale Buyer 批發采購員
Tele-Interviewer 電話調查員
Real Estate Appraiser 房地產評估師
Marketing Consultant 市場顧問
Marketing and Sales Director 市場與銷售總監
Market Research Analyst 市場調查分析員
Manufacturers Representative 廠家代表
Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司權利總監
Sales Representative 銷售代表
Assistant Customer Executive 客戶管理助理
Marketing Intern 市場實習
Marketing Director 市場總監

F. 一個市場營銷的英語句子


G. 市場營銷專業英語中譯英 在線求翻譯!

"Franchise contract" refers to two business units of the legal relationship between. A franchisor (party b) in (party a) from franchisees buy a complete license, and agree to implement its principles. The former and the latter is the business activities, but the former respectively of the latter can accept all procts or part of a proct. Usually, the former to the latter concession contract requirement pay franchise profits according to its business, while the percentage of total sales of certain from which received its wages. The latter will often provide training, management equipment, design of the device and national sales service.
Franchise contracts as a management tool, has been used by many instries, such as small computer instry, tourism and car tourism and fast food services. McDonald's is the application of this a management means to encourage technical popularization.
Franchise organizations, including McDonald's company, which are not encourage franchise dealers innovations. Instead, the new technology procts and process design development are at the company's headquarters. There are always test and inspection catering service, to assess the operating condition of the need to change. Usually, the idea of new equipment by the company's engineering personnel research, then by holding out new proct manufacturing license of small manufacturers for the proction. McDonald's company, by way of franchising, the most remarkable features are: it has a highly automated catering service system, and has high quality standards. Equipment and food almost entirely by the headquarters of the franchisor provides complete device, according to the uniform design is build, and the style are concive to the highly automated service. Full operating equipment almost no let person test or to adopt new technology of leeway. Although some of the McDonald's franchise agents have been trying to add some new in recipes pattern, but company idea to encourage the company highest levels change research.
McDonald's franchise that success in the technical innovation, the key is to let local businessman management franchise. By designated company members of franchising activities, such management talents and quickly developed. And franchising activities throughout the success, the franchisor more welcome company headquarters for the new technology or the new management methods

H. 市場營銷和商務英語哪個專業更實用點呢


  1. 市場營銷專業畢業後很大一部分都做了業務或銷售

  2. 商務英語專業畢業後很多做了外貿跟單員,外貿單證員,外貿業務員,當然也有做內貿的,主要是外貿銷售或文案內工作

  3. 選擇市場營銷的學生中男生比例大,而商務英語專業中絕大部分是女生。

  4. 市場營銷學的知識會更專業,商務英語學的以國際貿易為主。

  5. 商務英語專業在第大二的時候會學習第二外語,就業有優勢


I. 學市場營銷要考高考英語口語嗎

不需要 英語專業才需要



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