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A. 關於網路營銷的翻譯中,目前國內比較常用的是什麼


Network Marketing

B. 網路營銷的英文單詞

[詞典] network marketing;
Web marketing and advertising and online sales attract new customers.
SEM :Search Engine Marketing的英文縮寫,其中文意思就是搜索引擎營銷
SEO:是英文Search Engine Optimization的縮寫,中文意思是搜索引擎優化。
CPO:Cost per Order 簡稱CPO,也稱為Cost-per-Transaction,即根據每個訂單/每次交易來收費的方式。
CPTM: (Cost per Targeted Thousand Impressions) 經過定位的用戶(如根據人口統計信息定位)的千次印象費用。CPTM與CPM的區別在於,CPM是所有用戶的印象數,而CPTM只是經過定位的用戶的印象數。
CPM:Cost per Thousand Impressions又稱CPM(千印象費用) 網上廣告產生每1000個廣告印象數的費用,即按廣告投放次數而非投放時間長度收費。目前絕大部分網路廣告採用此標准計費。按訪問人次收費已經成為網路廣告的慣例。目前國際上每個CPM收費從$20到$80不等。
CPA:Cost per Action計價方式是指按廣告投放實際效果,即按回應的有效問卷或定單來計費,而不限廣告投放量。CPA廣告是網路中最常見的一種廣告形式,當用戶點擊某個網站上的cpc廣告後,這個站的站長就會獲得相應的收入。
Ad click:廣告點擊。是用戶對廣告的反應形式之一,通過對廣告的點擊引起當前瀏覽內容重新定向到另一個網站或者同一個網站其他網頁。
Ad display/Ad delivered:廣告顯示/廣告傳遞。一個廣告在用戶電腦屏幕上完全顯示稱為一次廣告顯示 /廣告傳遞。
Ad download :廣告下載。伺服器完整地將一個廣告下載到用戶的瀏覽器稱為廣告下載。如果用戶的請求並沒有被完全執行,廣告下載不完整或者沒有被下載,就行不成廣告瀏覽。廣告下載與廣告顯示意義相近。
Ad impression:廣告印象。廣告印象包括兩個方面:伺服器端和用戶端。網路廣告可以來自伺服器為用戶瀏覽器提供的廣告顯示,也可以是來自用戶瀏覽器的請求。對廣告印象有不同的測量方式。粗略的說,廣告印象和頁面顯示、廣告下載比較接近。
Ad impression ratio:廣告印象率。點擊數與廣告印象數的比例,同點擊率。
Ad Views :(廣告瀏覽)網上廣告被用戶下載的的次數,一般以一段時間來衡量.(如:次/天)
Banner:(橫幅廣告) 一個表現廣告主內容的圖片,放置在廣告商的頁面上,往往做成動畫形式。一般不超過12K。有時也稱為標志廣告、標准標志廣告、旗幟廣告、橫幅廣告、全幅廣告、條幅廣告等多種名稱,是互聯網上常見的網路廣告形式之一。通常是一個顯示於網頁上的圖片,常用格式包括.gif、jpg、swf等。BANNER廣告有多種規格,其中最常用的是486×60像素的標准標志廣告,由於這種規格曾處於支配地位,在早期有關網路廣告的文章中,如沒有特別指名,通常都是指標准標志廣告。
BUTTON:按鈕式廣告。 通常比BANNER廣告小一些,常用的按鈕廣告尺寸有四種:125×125(方形按鈕),120×90,120×60,88×31。

C. 翻譯全球最大中文網路營銷平台

The world's largest Chinese network marketing platform

D. 急!十萬火急!一篇外文翻譯網路營銷,最好是網路推廣。誰幫一下忙。畢業設計用,謝謝了.

親 這個得找英語好的餓,而且還得要懂外貌網路營銷的人,翻譯的才比較正確!

E. 網路營銷方面的翻譯!

Amazon excellence as the world's largest retailer of Chinese books, the Chinese one of the largest online mall, make unremitting efforts to focus on the customer experience, providing customers with low prices, convenience, there is a wide range of choices of procts, customer demand for primary work with a full range of services. According to customer needs at different stages, to take a variety of network marketing, such as search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), site specific banner ads, e-mail marketing, viral marketing online marketing technology to enhance marketing efficiency, the establishment of marketing functions, and more use of Internet marketing the conversion of the marketing strategy and improve the corporate marketing model, driven the rapid development of enterprises to become successful B2C e-commerce operators, as well as high-quality resources, logistics, after-sales service conditions, and further to become the representative of the Chinese e-commerce shopping websites, highlights the network marketing companies in e-commerce play an important role.
Excellence Model of the Amazon network marketing from the consumer e-commerce trends and changes in psychological characteristics and constraints at the present stage of development of consumer marketing analysis of psychological factors to explore the face of a modern enterprise network specific psychological consumers in order to break through the traditional business way of thinking, inherent in the reform of marketing strategy, marketing approach for enterprises to build a new operation mechanism.

Key words: Internet Marketing e-commerce customer experience

F. 網路營銷英文怎麼翻譯

network marketing或者cyber marketing 很簡單的!!!

G. 急!!!跪求網路營銷類外文+翻譯,網路營銷類外文+翻譯,老大們誰有資源幫幫忙




商城,謂之城,自然城中會有許多店,是的,綜合商城就如我們平時進入天河城、 正佳 、新大新 等現實生活中的大商城一樣。商城一樓可能是一級品牌,然後二樓是女士服飾,三樓男士服飾,四樓運動/裝飾,五樓手機數碼,六樓特價…… 將N個品牌專賣店裝進去,這就是商城。而後面的 淘寶商城 也自然是這個形式,跟傳統無異,它有龐大的購物群體,有穩定的網站平台,有完備的支付體系,誠信安全體系(盡管目前仍然有很多不足),促進了賣家進駐賣東西,買家進去買東西。如同傳統商城一樣,淘寶自己是不賣東西的,是提供了完備的銷售配套。

垂直商店,存在於互聯網上有多少有呢?這取決於市場的細分。設定細分的種類是X的話,那就是X的三到五倍,因為每一個領域,總有三五家在那裡競爭著,盡管互聯網大家都說沒有老二,但也其實不然,盡管老二活得很辛苦,也是卧薪嘗膽,堅挺地活著。 而也正因為有了良好的競爭格局,而促進了服務完善。
代表:數碼家電類:中國巨蛋 女裝內衣類:麥考林 嬰兒用品類:紅孩子

越多的傳統品牌商加入電商戰場,以 搶佔新市場,拓充新渠道,優化產品與渠道資源為目標,一波大肆進軍的勢頭蠢蠢欲動。
代表:佐丹奴 百麗
服務型的網店越來越多,都是為了滿足人們不同的個性需求,甚至 是幫你排隊買電影票,都有人交易,很期待見到更多的服務形式的網店。
比如導購類型的網站是使購物的趣味性、便捷性大大增加 同時諸多購物網站都推出了購物返現,少部分推出了聯合購物返現 這些都用來滿足大部分消費者的需求,許多消費者以不單單滿足直接進入b2c網站購物了。購物前都會通過一些網購導購網站。
Business-to-consumer (B2C, sometimes also called Business-to-Customer) describes activities of businesses serving end consumers with procts and/or services.
An example of a B2C transaction would be a person buying a pair of shoes from a retailer. The transactions that led to the shoes being available for purchase, that is the purchase of the leather, laces, rubber, etc. as well as the sale of the shoe from the shoemaker to the retailer would be considered (B2B) transactions.
[edit]Types of B2C

While the term e-commerce refers to all online transactions, B2C stands for "business-to-consumer" and applies to any business or organization that sells its procts or services to consumers over the Internet for its own use. When most people think of B2C e-commerce, they think of Amazon, the online bookseller that launched its site in 1995 and quickly took on the nation's major retailers. In addition to online retailers, B2C has grown to include services such as online banking, travel services, online auctions, health information and real estate sites. Peer-to-peer sites such as Craigslist also fall under the B2C category.
B2C e-commerce went through some tough times, particularly after the technology-heavy Nasdaq crumbled in 2000. In the ensuing dotcom carnage, hundreds of e-commerce sites shut their virtual doors and some experts predicted years of struggle for online retail ventures. Since then, however, shoppers have continued to flock to the web in increasing numbers. In fact, North American consumers adopted e-commerce so much that despite growing fears about identity theft, they spent $172 billion shopping online in 2005, up from $38.8 billion in 2000.
By 2010, consumers are expected to spend $329 billion each year online, according to Forrester Research. What』s more, the percentage of U.S. households shopping online is expected to grow from 39 percent this year to 48 percent in 2010.
[edit]Unique attributes

Negotiation: Selling to another business involves haggling over prices, delivery and proct specifications. Not so with most consumer sales. That makes it easier for retailers to put a catalog online, and it's why the first B2B applications were for buying finished goods or commodities that are simple to describe and price.
Integration: Retailers don't have to integrate with their customers' systems. Companies selling to other businesses, however, need to make sure they can communicate without human intervention. But Buisnesses Should Not Be Mean To The Consumer

H. 「網路營銷」怎麼翻譯

online marketing 或E-marketing

I. 網路營銷用英文怎麼翻譯

Network Marketing

J. (急)翻譯 網路營銷 網站設計 電子商務

The 21st century is a market economy age in which the globalization of economic information further develops.

The proportion of the tertiary-instry keeps increasing in each countries,especially the service instry.The information service instry has been on the leading position in the 21st century,affected by the tendency of the global information,as one of the marketing strategy,modern communications technology helps the enterprise reach the marketing goal.The paper discusses the developing situation of China's electronic commerce from three aspects,namely the developing environment and the open question of the electronic commerce technology,the developing tendency of the electronic mommerce as well as the construction of the corporate website.

key words,network marketing,website design,electronic commerce.




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