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发布时间:2021-10-08 13:54:48

㈠ 有关农产品电子商务的英文文献急需


作者:Leroux N, Wortman M S, Mathias E D.

文题:Dominant factors impacting the development of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce in agriculture

期刊:The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2001, 4(2): 205-218.

㈡ 有关网络营销的外文文献,还有翻译,最好篇幅短一点~


㈢ 求一篇与企业网络营销方式有关的外文,有翻译最好

The 5 Most Powerful Online Marketing Methods-Their Advantages and Disadvantages
While there are countless of promotional methods available to market your services and procts, it would be almost impossible to use them all. You will want to choose marketing tools based on your desired goals, the preferences of your target clientele and of course the time and budgetary constraints of your company.

In this article, we identify five of the most frequently used tools and point out some of the positives and negatives of each.

1. Search Engine Marketing

SEM drives targeted traffic to your site with sponsored advertising. Google AdWords would be one example. Results can be almost immediate, you pay only for clicks, and it allows highly detailed analytics. However, advertising campaigns can quickly get very expensive and you must be constantly concting tests to keep from getting overloaded; many firms have lost their shirts doing PPC (pay per click) marketing.

2. Organic Search Engine Optimization

This is a term used for traffic pulled to your site from search engine results from appropriate keywords. This free method brings targeted traffic to your homepage and can have long term benefits which can last very long. Web searchers tend to trust this type of results more than they trust paid results. Since it takes longer for organic SEO results to show up on your balance sheet, it can sometimes get very expensive and time consuming.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Using this tool, you pay your affiliates a commission on any sales they generate for you. This method can cost you considerably less to drive targeted buyers to your homepage. It not only brings sales to you, affiliate marketing also gives back-links to your site. However, your sales will depend on how strong your affiliates are. Also, even though this is a much lower overall cost than PPC and SEO marketing, the set up costs for the affiliate software must be taken into consideration. These can be minimized by using existing affiliate networks such as Commission Junction or Clickbank.

4. Use Online Social Networking

Online Social Networking or Online PR is a tool much touted lately; it simply means using social networking sites like Facebook to promote a favorable image of your company to a new online audience. It also includes proper management of your press releases and your online newsroom. The main advantage is that it is fairly inexpensive to use. Since this tool proces results of people sharing with others online about your proct, it is much like a referral and you have the potential of getting hot leads. However, the consumer drives social media, thus you don’t have the ability to control the message. You also can’t control the kind of traffic your site will get. You may just get a lot of ‘window shoppers’ not targeted traffic ready to buy your proct.

5. Marketing by Email

This tool markets your proct by taking your message directly to the consumer. This method can be used as a complementary adjunct to your PPC marketing as well as to enhance the relationship with your current customers. This tool gives you a high ROI compared to other marketing efforts. You must be careful to avoid alienating customers by not overdoing your email campaigns or your subscribers will unsubscribe.

As stated at the beginning of this article, it isn’t practical to use all of these tools but you will want to choose the ones more suited to your purposes and budget. Now that you have some pros and cons for each method, perhaps you can choose your marketing strategies more competently. The key point being made here is that your business plan should detail your methods of marketing procts so that your company will not get in over its head.


㈣ 谁有关于网络营销策略的外文翻译急用

网络营销策略的外文翻译你这题都没写完整 ,还打算会有人能给你解答,请你下次细心点, 不要这么粗心 。也稍微负点责任,别人帮你是好意,请你尊重一下帮助你的人。也维护一下网络知道良好的求知氛围。谢谢. 把题目写清楚,我回答你。这次先采纳了吧。

㈤ 求一篇有关农产品出口的竞争力分析的外文文献翻译。急急急!!!






㈥ 急求一份关于网络营销的英文文献及翻译

A, web strategy

In the network market space enterprise website which represents the enterprise's own image. So you must:

1. Take good website propaganda and strengthen url

2. Carefully planned site structure

3. Maintaining a website great effort

2. Proct strategy

1. 企业可以通过分析网上的消费者总体特征来确定最适合在网上销售的产品。
1. The enterprise can through the analysis of online consumer's overall characteristics to determine the most suitable for online sales of procts.

2. 产品的市场涵盖面要广。
2. The proct was much broader coverage of the market.

3. 与客户直接交流,为其提供个性化的服务。
3. Communicate directly with customers, providing personalized service.

3. The price strategy

1. Enterprises can develop a automatic adjustment system, at the same time can also carry out market research, and access to relevant information to adjust the price.

2. 开发智慧型议价系统与消费者直接在网上协商价格。
2. The development of the intelligent negotiation system and consumers directly to negotiate prices on the Internet.

3. Enterprises can open in this enterprise from concept to consumer prices in the catalog are proceres, prompt consumers to make purchase decisions.

4. The promotion strategy

1. 网络广告是目前较为普遍的促销方式。
1. Online advertising is the common way of promotion.

2. 利用网络聊天的功能开展消费者联谊活动或在线产品展销活动和推广活动。
2. The using function of network chat, the consumer fellowship activities or online proct exhibitions and promotional activities.

3. 与非竞争性的厂商进行线上促销联盟。
3. The online promotion alliance with non competitive vendors.

4. 将网络文化与产品广告相融合,借助网络文化的特点来吸引消费者。
4. Network culture and the integration of proct advertising, with the characteristics of network culture to attract consumers.

5. The channel strategy

1. 结合相关产业的公司,共同在网络上设点销售系列产品。
1. Combining with the related instry company, second-hand sale series of procts on the Internet.

2. 在企业网站上设立虚拟店铺。
2. In the enterprise to set up a virtual store on the website.

3. 可直接利用电子邮件进行线上购物,也可通过划拨电汇付款,由企业通过邮局邮寄或送货上门进行货物交割。
3. Can be directly use E-mail for online shopping, also can through the transfer by t/t payment, by company to delivery goods by post mail or door-to-door delivery.

6. The network marketing customer service

Through the implementation of an interactive marketing strategy, to provide satisfactory customer service is the key to the success of many enterprises network marketing. The main tool of customer service online email, electronic BBS, FAQ, etc



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