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發布時間:2020-12-09 10:45:07

1. 電商的英文翻譯是什麼

廣義的電子商務Electronic Business,簡稱EB;狹義的:Electronic Commerce簡稱EC

2. 電子商務專業英語翻譯

Network publishing is take the Internet as the carrier and the circulation channel, publishing
網路出來版是以國際互聯網為自載體和流通渠道, 出版並銷售數
and selling the Digital Publication Act。

3. 用英語介紹一下電子商務這個專業

E-commerce, Electronic Commerce, EC for short. E-commerce usually is refers to is in global around widely of commercial trade activities in the, in Internet open of network environment Xia, based on browser/server application way, buyers and sellers does not met to for various business activities, implementation consumer of online shopping, and merchant Zhijian of online transactions and online electronic paid and various business activities, and transactions activities, and financial activities and related of integrated service activities of a new of commercial operations mode. E-business covers a very wide range, generally can be divided into the business to business or business to consumer both. There are also consumer to the consumer the forward growth model. With the increase in number of Internet use in China, online shopping and payment by bank card using Internet consumption patterns have started to pop, also in fast-growing market share, endless stream of e-commerce website. E-commerce security with SSL and SET two of the most common species. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer Protocol) SET (fully electronic transaction protocol) definition of e-commerce: the first will be divided into General and special e-commerce e-commerce. General e-commerce is defined as, using a variety of electronic tools in the business or activities. These tools range from basic Telegraph, telephone, radio, TV, fax, computers, computer networks, and other modern systems. Business activity is commercial demand reasonable and legitimate activities to goods of consumption dropped after the typical proction processes in all activities. Narrowly defined as e-commerce, mainly use the Internet to engage in business or activity. E-commerce is in a modern society where highly developed technical, economic, and access to information technology and business rules, and systematic use of electronic tools, high efficiency, low cost commodity exchange-centric activities collectively. This analysis highlights has e-commerce of premise, and Center, and focus, and purpose and standard, pointed out that it should reached of level and effect, it is on e-commerce more strictly and reflect times requirements of defines, it from system of views start, stressed people in system in the of Center status, will environment and people, and people and tools, and people and subject of labour organic to contact up, with system of target, and system of composition to defines e-commerce, so makes it has proctivity of nature.

4. 《電子商務專業》用專業英語怎麼翻譯

"Electronic commerce Specialty"

5. 求 電子商務 專業翻譯

At present, the development of electronic commerce has become an irresistible trend of the world. With the rapid development of network technology, its development has exceeded the time and geographical constraints, a successful business through the development process to know e-commerce on the importance of core competitiveness of enterprises.
This article discusses the following aspects to start, first of all, analysis of the concept of core competence, character, composition and current status of Chinese enterprises to carry out electronic commerce and competitive advantage. Second, core competitiveness of enterprises through the analysis of changes in the patterns obtained combining e-commerce to improve their core competitiveness way. Finally, the above discussion, the proposed business use of e-business development to promote the core competitiveness of the countermeasures.

6. 什麼是電子商務英語







7. 電子商務專業的英文怎麼說


8. "電子商務" 這個專業 用英語怎麼說

電子商務:Electronic Commerce,簡稱EC

9. 懇求【電子商務】專業的英文介紹

Management of the economy and to cultivate a solid theoretical basis, the information science and technology and the meanswith the use of modern information technology to conct business activities,engaged in the operation and management of high-quality modern e-business complex talent.Asked the students access to modern information technology, management theory and methods of modern business theory and practice.marketing theory and practice to master e-commerce systems analysis, design, realization and evaluation of technologies,understanding of e-commerce related law, with a high degree of sense of competition,innovation and a strong e-commerce capabilities, has mastered a foreign language, reading, writingtranslation and other aspects ofa higher level.The professional training to support the Party's basic line, Germany, Chile, body-round development.meet the needs of first-line business management, information technology management, business website management at the grass-roots level.e-commerce websites grassroots management positions and mastering modern networking technology and business management knowledge,Strong market analysis, network marketing and e-commerce capabilities of the higher technical applications personnel.E-commerce is of a higher quality and proce more directly engaged in the application of e-commerce capabilities of the senior management personnel.This goal has stressed that the quality of professional e-business e-commerce is facing the front line.are directly involved in the e-commerce business, is engaged in the business management personnel.therefore must have strong technical capabilities.This capability is the ability to conct business activities, such as engaging in market research, negotiations, contract settlement, orders management,sales management, marketing and business decision-making and planning.Employment orientation : Internet marketing, online payment, online sales, logistics and distribution, and business management


10. 「我學習的是電子商務專業」用英語怎麼說

My major is Electronic Commerce.



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