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发布时间:2020-12-13 04:21:34

Ⅰ 请翻译成英文:如果想要全面的了解这个行业,我们需要进行一次更广泛的市场调查.

a new broader market survey is required if we want a better comprehensive knowledge about this instry

Ⅱ 进行市场调查用英文怎么说

doing market researching

Ⅲ “市场调查”用英文怎么写

Market research

Ⅳ 市场调查问卷的英语

How do you find the new sports car?
What do you think is the car's best quality?
In which aspect do you think the car can improve?
Would you buy the car if you are able to afford it?

Ⅳ 市场调查进行的不顺利吗英语

At the same time,market survey is also an important constituent of preparatory work in the early phase of a project.Only after a thorough and complete market survey,sales planning and market operations will be put to order and muster success.

Ⅵ 你需要做市场调查用英语怎么说

you need to do some research

Ⅶ 市场调查 PSM 英文是什么

Price Sensitivity Meter价格敏感度测试
价格敏感度测试(Price Sensitivity Meter, PSM)在产品生命周期中,需要评估品牌或者品牌组合的定价策略及市场份额。为衡量顾客对不同价格的满意及接受程度、了解顾客认为合适的产品价格所做的测试研究,可通过描绘价格趋势图、气泡图、正态分布图等方法,为客户确定产品/服务的合适价格提供重要的参考依据。在新产品上市前需要对产品在目标消费人群的可接受价格水平作深入研究,在作新产品定价测试时,一般不事先设定价格,而是通过从消费者那里得到产品价格的可接受范围。我们的价格敏感度测试模型是一种用来了解消费者对某一品牌/产品的质量观念与价格以及它们之间联系的工具。测试在不同价格水平上该品牌/产品对于消费者的价值: 1、怎样的价格水平能使公司的业务份额(销售额)最大化? 2、不同价格点上,各竞争品牌的价格弹性如何? 3、消费者/客户愿意为产品的某一特性花费多少? 4、测试在某一价格范围内,拒绝购买的比率; 5、发现消费者对该产品可接受定价范围的初始反应; 6、挖掘最佳价格点。 具体操作: 价格敏感度分析方法是在 70 年代由 Van Westendrop 所创建。其特点为 所有价格测试过程完全基于被访者的自然反应,没有任何竞争对手甚至自身产品的任何信息。其研究方法的要点如下:对某一新产品或服务,被访者被出示一个价格测试标度 。价格标度的测试要求其价格范围涵盖所有可能的价格点,最低价格和最高价往往要求低于或高出可能的市场价格的三倍以上。该方法通常对某一产品或服务追问被访者 4 个问题: (1) 请问对该产品而言,您认为什么价格对您而言是物有所值? ( 较低价格 ) ; (2) 请问该 产品如果低到什么价格,您可能怀疑其质量较差,从而不会去购买 ( 最低 价 格 ) ; (3) 请问什么样的价格您认为较高,但仍可能去购买 ( 较高价格 ) ; (4) 请问如价格高到什么程度,您肯定会放弃购买? ( 最高价格 ) 。 对于上述四个问题,我们都可以求出每个问题在不同价格点上的频数以及频数的累计百分比。如果把四个累计百分比曲线画到图上,我们得到图2所示的四条累计百分比曲线。值得注意的是四个交叉点具有明显的经济学含义。图2中的“a”点至“b”点给出了该产品的定价范围。低于a点的价格,消费者会怀疑其质量太差而不会去购买,高于“b”点的价格,消费者会认为价钱太高,从而也不会去购买。图中的“c”点为可接受价格点,在此价位上,认为价位较高的比例和认为价位较低的比例相等。图中的“d”点为最优价格点。在此价格上,消费者认为价格既不是太高也不是太低。价格敏感度模型主要适用新产品测试,这类产品通常包括新的医药产品,新的高科技产品等等,在这一阶段,并没有竞争对手的产品出现。该模型的主要特点是简洁明了,所有价格点是基于被访者的自身比较,并且价格点是连续的。 适用范围:价格敏感度测试模型主要用于新产品的单一产品测试,特别是药品、高技术含量产品等的最佳市场价格定位,它与简单GABORGRANGER模型使用的分析技术不同。 PSM模型的要点在于通过定性研究,设计出能够涵盖产品可能的价格区间的价格梯度表,然后在有代表性的样本中,请被访者在此价格梯度表上做出四项选择:有点高但可以接受的价格,有点低但可以接受的价格,太高而不会接受的价格,太低而不会接受的价格。对样本的这几个价格点,分别求其上向和下向累积百分比,以此累积百分比作价格需求弹性曲线,四条曲线的交点标出了产品的合适价格区间,最优定价点以及次优定价点。

Ⅷ 市场调查与分析用英语怎么说

Market research and analysis

This paper is concluded by means of public questionnaire and Do in-depth and detailed collection and analysis into the returned effective questionnaire

Ⅸ 急求一篇英文市场调查报告,随便什么内容

1. Scope of work
The market study service that DR proposes to provide falls into 2 parts:
• Review of regional container port competition
• Review of competitive hinterland / inland transportation issues and costs
• Container volume projections / scenarios
Drewry will research and identify each competitor container port and terminal in the neighbouring region and assess their facilities and current capacity as well as any future expansion plans. Historical volumes and regional market shares will be identified as well as each competitor ports’ inland connectivity. Major clients and trade lane volumes will also be identified where possible.
Inland connectivity and costs are a major factor in determining the port’s market competitiveness and Drewry will identify and compare inland distances and costs to major inland cities / markets to those at regional competing ports. Thereafter, an assessment can be made as to the commercial viability of the new container terminal.
Container volume projections / scenarios will be assessed according to each of the above
competitive issues and in relation to historical GDP growth in China and future GDP growth
expectations. Shifts in regional market shares will be a key factor in determining potential future volumes. Consideration will also be given to the regional import and export manufacturing base and consumer demand factors. Base, high and low case volume projections / scenarios will be provided.
3. Deliverables
The deliverable for this market study would be a report in Microsoft Word format, delivered by email, under the following general headings:
a) Executive Summary and conclusions
b) Review of regional container port competition
- Key facilities at each regional competitor port
- Historical volumes and market shares
- Inland connectivity
- Major shipping line clients and trade lanes
- Competition terminal capacity review
- Pricing strategies of ports
c) Review on Inland Transportation competitive issues
- Cargo hinterland analysis
- Review of the ports inland distribution network – compare to competition
- Inland distances and modes of transport to major inland cities / markets
- Inland transport costs
d) Container volume projections / scenarios
- Analysis of key instries
- Review of historical regional container volume growth versus China’s GDP
- Future volume projections / scenarios with base, high and low cases.
The draft report would be delivered in English, Once finalised, a Chinese version of the final
report would be provided as well as an English version.

Ⅹ 市场调查中的被访者用英文怎么说




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