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how long has the film been on什麼意思

發布時間:2024-04-25 19:11:22

Ⅰ 翻譯成英文啊,急求。1電影已經放映多久了2我收到他的信有五天了3你的手錶買了多久4你必須馬上把那...

1.How long has the movie been shown?
2. It has been 3 days since I received his letter.
3. How long have you bought your watch?
4. You need to return the 3 books that you have borrowed to the library immediately, because it has been a long time since you borrowed them.
5. Hurry up, the movie has been shown for 15 minutes.
6. My father has been quit smoking for 5 years.


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