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发布时间:2022-08-14 19:16:50



[拼音]:xuān chuán
give publicity to ;
promotion ;
propaganda ;
propagandize ;
conct propaganda;
give publicity to;
propagate ;
1.to propagate;
to propagandize;
to give publicity to;
to publicize;
to advertise;
to do (or conct) propaganda
advertisement ;
[参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 汉英法学大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英航海大词典 汉英综合大词典

大事宣传 boom
虚假宣传 crooked promotion
新闻宣传 news propaganda
夸大宣传 high sounding pubicity
美口宣传 stump for
宣传标语 catch-phrase
宣传不够 underadvertising; under advertising ; underadvertisi....
宣传部门 publicity department
宣传车 media mobile
宣传单 promotional pamphlet; promotional paper
宣传的 propagandistic; propagandist; tendencious
宣传广告 car card; puff
宣传画 poster
宣传活动 propaganda
宣传机构 propaganda
宣传机关 propaganda
宣传家的 propagandistic
宣传科 1.a propaganda section
宣传内容 propaganda
宣传片 promotional film
进行宣传 propagandize
大肆宣传 blurb; hype; 1.to ballyhoo; to publicize widely ;&nbs....
大力宣传 1.to trumpet; to conct vigorous propaganda
恶意宣传 demagogy; demagogy
付费宣传 paid publicity
煽动性宣传 seditious propaganda
煽动与宣传 agitprop
时事宣传周 current affairs propaganda week
放肆的宣传 razzmatazz; razzle-dazzle
反宣传广告 anticommercial
对...进行宣传 propagandize
为...大肆宣传 thump for
广播<宣传>车 sound truck
盛大的宣传 boom
未经宣传的 unpublicized
商业宣传员 spieler
设计宣传员 design promoter
过分的宣传 razzmatazz; razzle-dazzle

㈡ 帮我翻译下面这段话吧,谢谢,英语高手们!!!

In any hospital ring the Communist Youth League secretary of the student organizations, many group activities of the day: AIDS Awareness Week, the blood component of universal knowledge ... ... and a positive week for the delivery of outstanding members of the party organization. During the study to sum up a lot of coordination Incentive skills and improve their own communication, planning, organizational capacity.
At the same time, I was a school of the Red Cross Society of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics Division members had donated blood components, in Wenchuan after the earthquake donations several times (on-line, schools, mobile phone channels). Branches in the Fortnight in east many times to homes for the elderly, cleaning, playing guitar doors for the elderly. Feel for these activities is that they may give up some play time, the old people may have the feeling of well-being of the moment, it is worth!
Majoring in accounting, I am a person who has cultivated a cautious style, I have stimulated the number of sensitivity.

㈢ 继续英语翻译请教,括号里的不用翻哦

1.(你的英文句子的意思是:“知识产权保护宣传周”将以“尊重知识产权,维护社会主义市场经济体制”为主题我认为在英文句子中没有出现关于“即将开始”的单词)所以应该这样翻:A "respect intellectual property rights, the maintenance of market economy system" as the theme, "the protection of intellectual property rights publicity week"start

2.From the protection of intellectual property rights field at a Chinese(2楼说的不对,如果在这里出现就应该是的句子)

3.给予妇女权利:Giving women's rights(最后,.......,all these depend on the support of ecational development这样表达可以)

4.Track requirements, and other athletes match field jumping and throwing items(如果这里的单词你没有学过你那样翻也可以,意思差不多哦!)

5.坚持......的改革方向:(stick to the reformatory direction in..?也可以如果用“Insist... The reform direction”也许会更好)


PS:1)Children's .... is improving .... basic(基础['beisik])你的句子的意思是为提高基础的……没有提到“儿童的”
2)当to表目的时需要加,we are looking forward that这样表达可以

㈣ 北京活动周宣传片《北京原色》 英语怎么说

按照西方语言习惯应该是Beijing in color。按照字面直译应该是beijing--primary colours

㈤ 请教高手为我修改一下英语演讲稿,高分悬赏!!

do a presentation 做演讲一般用make 或者说give you a presentation,do这个动词太宽泛了。
the EXPO 2010 Shanghai China.这是比较书面的说法,在演讲的时候可以直接说Shanghai Expo
, and the Expo 2010 will be held in shanghai from May 1st to October 31st, covering 184days, with a theme of “better city, better life”. 此句完全可以自成一句,把前面的,and去掉反而显得简洁顺畅。
many transportations show their contingency plans they established for the upcoming EXPO 此句中两个动词,要么把they去掉,要么改成从句which they established...
Because the bus would drive close 此处的because有点突兀,可用since
what was carried in the suitcase, which leaves me a deep impression of the high intensity of the public 这句中的leaves时态不对,应该为leaved
Then I feel full confident of the security work of the World EXPO.——then i felt full confidence in the security ...

but also the attention week organized by our college这句让人不明所以,attention week这种说法太牵强了,可以直接说校园世博宣传周“publicity week”
pass among us ——passes


㈥ “节能宣传周”和“节能我行动,低碳新生活”这两句话英语分别怎么说

Everyone participates in energy-saving actions to lead a new low-carbon life.



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