导航:首页 > 宣传策划 > 英语社团纳新宣传语


发布时间:2021-03-10 14:17:16

『壹』 求一个给力的、有创意的社名,和社团纳新宣传语!



『贰』 招新英文宣传语

1.Sail to the sea of English, welcome aboard!

『叁』 请帮忙想一些英语社团纳新标语,以百日晨读为主题,15个字左右。


『肆』 社团招新宣传语


『伍』 用英语设计一个社团广告语

recognized it at once.

『陆』 英语社团纳新招聘启事英文范文

Welcome to English Club!Here is a platform to show your outstanding abilities,and at the same time to help you develop a range of great skills.

In the club you can enjoy a variety of activities including staging musical dramas,holding group discussions and watching Oscar-winning movies.You will have a lot of opportunities to take part in these extra-curricular activities.Your active participation is helpful to your communication skills and managing interpersonal relationship.And through various activities you could raise your level of proficiency in English.A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.

Our office number is xxx(whatever).and Our email is xxx(whatever).The deadline for entries is oct.23rd.Come on,join US and enjoy yourself now!

『柒』 英语社团招新宣传语。。。谢啦~

Be Success with Us!

Do you want to exchange with others by fluent English?
Do you want to get offers from overseas well-known colleges?
and Do you want to be success in future career?
Come on and be together with us!

『捌』 英语俱乐部纳新宣传单

Come and join our English club!

『玖』 求英语社团纳新宣传语

Don't be shy, just try, let's conquer english together!!!

『拾』 请问关于英语社团的宣传语怎么写,大概30字左右




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