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发布时间:2022-01-25 20:37:01

Ⅰ 有没有英文原版书籍推荐的电子商务网站

我是一名电子商务的学生,很想给自己充充电,大家可不可以给我推荐下有关于电子商务-经典原版书库(英文版.第7版) 作 者: (美)Gary P.Schneider

Ⅱ 我是电子商务专业的学生,毕业要写一篇6000字的外文翻译,不知道有哪些关于电子商务的英文书籍,望推荐!


Ⅲ 谁能帮忙介绍一下有关电子商务外贸的文献或书籍,必须有包括中英文版的,多介绍几本非常紧急谢谢


金牌外贸业务员找客户,17种方法- 案例- 评析

Ⅳ 关于网上购物之类的电子商务的书籍 业务分析或者数据分析之类的 不少于15篇,其中英文文献不少于5篇

1、 用户注册
2、 身份认证



二、然后你有了淘宝开店的设和条件和环境,那么你可以下一步去了解一下选择哪个方面,选择实物?选择虚拟? 这时候我们不得不考虑到货源、资金、经验、等等了!



Ⅳ 求《电子商务》(Electronic Commerce (2nd Edition))的英文原版书

Commerce (2nd Edition) 版本:第二版.(PDF高清晰版)

下载 《电子商务》(Electronic Commerce (2nd Edition))第二版.(PDF高清晰版)


Ⅵ 有关描述电子商务与网络营销的英文书籍 有哪些请写明


Ⅶ 有关描述电子商务与网络营销的英文书籍 有哪些

网络营销实务 作者:方玲玉 湖南大学出版社

网络营销基础与实践 作者:冯英健 清华大学出版社

电子商务大赢家 清华大学出版社

Ⅷ 急求电子商务相关参考文献,英文的,只要只要标题和作者


《E-commerce: the role of familiarity and trust》
D Gefen - Omega, 2000

《What trust means in e-commerce customer relationships: an interdisciplinary conceptual typology》
DH McKnight,2001

《 Fuzzy decision support system for risk analysis in e-commerce development》
EWT Ngai, 2005

《 Interactive decision aids for consumer decision making in e-commerce: the influence of perceived strategy restrictiveness》
W Wang, 2009

Ⅸ 跪求有关电子商务B2C模式的英文的参考文献,就是出自哪,几几年的,作者名字

Filed B2C, we may be more familiar to some, it is from the enterprise-to-end customers (indivial consumers and organizations, including the consumer) business model. Have been talking about today's B2C e-commerce through electronic and information means, in particular Internet technology to the enterprise or other business procts and services provided without any channels, directly to consumers, new business models. Because it is closely related to the daily lives of the public, it was first recognized and accepted.
B2C e-commerce model of one of the most familiar form is the realization of the emerging e-commerce site dedicated. Now, as if overnight, the emergence of the numerous such companies, including online stores, online book stores, online ticket sales, etc., and even what some have done, what are the e-commerce site to sell, it is called "Cargo 1000 company ". But no matter what, these new models the emergence of enterprises, so that people at home via the Internet, you can enjoy the purchase of goods or advisory services. This is undoubtedly a big step forward in the times. Emerged in these new Internet companies, Amazon can be said to be the most representative example.
Amazon was selling a book through the Internet online bookstore, almost no one in the store it is clear where, when, it in just one stroke more than two years of countless famous century-old shop has been a long time to become the world's largest bookstore, the market is far more than the book business itself. WEB through the Amazon site, users can enjoy the book a lot of convenience, such as one million kinds in the book to find a book, the traditional methods may be run on a number of bookstores, a lot of time spent However, in the Amazon, the user can, through the search function, just a few mouse clicks, and soon people will want the book to the home. Another attractive aspect of the Amazon is to provide a lot of value-added services, including the provision of a number of comments and introced the book. Sales in the traditional manner, these value-added services will become very expensive. In the "success" will develop into its own beyond the traditional bookstore after the world's largest bookstore, Amazon's business today has been extended to audio-visual procts, software, various types of daily consumer goods and other fields to become the United States, but also the entire the world's largest e-commerce website company. But it's the "successful" in quotation marks are still classified, it is questioned to establish their own in size and customer base at the same time, investors are left to the huge losses.
People to reflect on the reasons for loss of the Amazon realized that perhaps should not be set up the task of B2C e-commerce are placed on these Web sites from scratch, the traditional instries conscious revolution in Internet and e-commerce may be more economical, more affordable and more necessary, not to investors, shareholders brought to so many pressures and worries. Perhaps, only when these two forces together are the same towards the Peak, such as e-commerce world is more exciting, the real era of e-commerce will be coming faster.
Traditional enterprises and e-commerce successful transition to the Internet's most successful example is the DELL, DELL is only the beginning of a computer by telephone direct sales companies, although very successful, but the beginning of the Internet revolution, it did not hesitate to choose a grasp opportunities, all of their business to move online, and in accordance with the requirements of the Internet to their original organizations and carding processes, including development of sales, proction, procurement, services the entire process of e-commerce systems, and make full use of the means of the Internet to provide users with customization and distribution services, greatly improved customer satisfaction, miraculously for many years maintained a growth rate of above 50%, today the world's largest computer manufacturers, but also a slower transition to other competitors has caused tremendous challenges Granville Concord. 楼主,以上是英文参考文献,希望能帮到你,合适的话麻烦你“采纳”一下我们这次的回复哈!

Ⅹ 电子商务书籍




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