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发布时间:2020-12-22 06:29:58

㈠ 联想笔记本的营销策略


㈡ 联想与戴尔的竞争战略和营销策略比较分析







㈢ 消费者因素对联想的营销策略的影响



在以消费者为中心的整合营销时代,消费者每天接触不计其数的广告信息,但只有少数能引起购买欲望,进而产生购买行为。因此,营销活动要取得良好效果,必须充分了解消费者心理 消费行为是非常复杂的,受到相当多因素的影响,消费者本身的认知、学习、人格、卷入等内在因素,无时无刻不在影响消费者行为。因此营销人员要把握消费者心理并非易事。台湾游伯龙教授提出通过行为习性来分析消费者行为。因为每个人的思考、认知、反应、行为、知识、经验等都有习惯性,统合起来成为一个人的习惯领域,人的消费深受其影响。而人的行为是有共性的,游伯龙教授研究认为消费者行为至少有六方面的共有习性:同类相比、印象概推、投射效应、近而亲、相互回报、人群中的责任扩散。笔者认为,掌握这六大消费者习性,对于我们把握消费者心理,制定有效营销推广策略确有帮助。
同类相比。消费者会把自己归为某一群体,也会对产品进行分类,而且总是将同类相比。广告是营销策略的重要 组合要素,利用消费者爱比较(比价格、性能、品质等)的心态来制定广告策略,影响消费者对产品特性的认知,是比较广告的心理学原理。

㈣ 求一篇与联想笔记本营销策略有关的英文文章

Enterprises with good performance are the same - follow the appropriate commercial laws are, but the poor performance of the company will have all the difference. Lenovo is the case, the performance from last year's biggest loss in history by starting, Liu began to change in planning a remodeling program associate.

Lenovo's performance for the decline, although large to be blamed on the global financial turmoil, but a good showing in particular, to seek "great" business is concerned, it should select the problems inherent in their own.

Liu after the handover from the current position of view, has internal problems as the root causes of loss, but when Liu remodeling association, "Chinese and foreign management" of the "proposal" is: only to marketing-oriented organization of the body rebuild Lenovo is the effective and direct way remodeling.

On marketing issues, "the father of positioning," Mr Rees, who founded the "greatest impact ever on the U.S. market," old marketing theory has been filled with hope and concern for Lenovo. This month, "Reese about a month," Mr Rees, please follow the rules they found the marketing, marketing for the association to provide interpretation and recommendations remodeling.

Focus should be given associate re-Liu

"Chinese and foreign management": Liu again go into battle in China has aroused great repercussion. Some people think that this association should help to improve the capacity of the current crisis, some said the founder of the reunification of the association is not necessarily good for the process of internationalization, do you think about this?

Rees: Liu return as the founder of Lenovo is a good idea. A company needs to have their own vision. Managed by the Americans to a Chinese enterprises, it is not easy to do. Lenovo needs to return to its fundamental.

"Chinese and foreign management": Lenovo in recent years has been seeking international development, the United States is around you market to your understanding in this market, Lenovo's performance in marketing what?

Rees: not ideal. In the U.S., Acer in the fourth quarter of 2008 accounted for 15.2% market share, while Lenovo's not among the top five PC brand in the list (file Note: The U.S. top five PC brand is Dell, HP, Acer, Apple and Toshiba).

I estimate the market share of Lenovo in the United States less than 5%. Unless the company has initiatives as soon as possible, otherwise it's market share will decline.

"Chinese and foreign management": aspects of the complex issues facing the association, in your eyes, Liu to face the biggest marketing problem?

Rees: Legend of the problem, is typical of the two original brands with different focus (the old association with the ThinkPad) loss of focus after the merger a typical example. But now, think back to the original focus really should be a relatively low-end procts up? I do not think so. In fact, the association also did not really go off before the end, but continue to launch more brands, more cheap or expensive procts - the brand fell into chaos. Lenovo is facing re-focus the issue, which requires strategic vision and great courage.

Although we used to think in English-speaking world on the proposed brand name but do not have to use Lenovo ThinkPad, but over several years Lenovo ThinkPad has changed too late. They should be the acquisition of IBM's personal computer business, the ThinkPad while a high degree of concern when using this name, to come to take this step today on the difficult to understand. On the other hand, "can continue to stand using a laptop all day" for the ThinkPad is the brand may still be a powerful concept.

Lenovo ThinkPad to lose focus

"Chinese and foreign management": Lenovo acquisition of IBM's PC business is a major business transformation Lenovo, the acquisition itself, do you think?

Rees: If you want to build a brand, you put all the marketing efforts have focused on a particular idea or concept. If you have a full line of procts so as Lenovo, to build a strong brand very difficult. Lenovo is now advertising theme is "New World, the new Lenovo," which is meaningless, "New Legend" in the end is what?

Lenovo years the main problem is it used in 2004, 1.7 billion acquisition of IBM's personal computer business. This is the acquisition of competitors, many enterprises will be committed in a typical error. Acquisition of competitors appears to be a "complementary". In other words, Lenovo procts are relatively inexpensive personal computers, and its acquisition of IBM's ThinkPad line proction is relatively expensive computer.

The company's leaders believe that this merger will "broaden" the market. But the problem is building the brand, Lenovo is what? It is inexpensive personal computer? Or high-priced personal computer? The merger makes the association lost its focus, but also lost some market share.

Daimler - Benz with 36 billion U.S. dollars in the acquisition of Chrysler company, also committed the same error. Daimler Mercedes - Benz manufacturer of the expensive cars, while Chrysler proced a relatively low-cost car. Daimler CEO Juergen Schrempp to this merger was called "quite divine." It actually became a Nie Yuan. The merger is meaningless, and business losses caused by Chrysler over the years so that Daimler paid out 36 billion U.S. dollars down the drain.

"Foreign Management": ThinkPad since Lenovo has been in the bag, how to re-find the focus of Lenovo?

Rees: Strangely enough, we had thought that the IBM acquisition deal is good, still lose Lenovo PCs to create a global brand opportunity, but as a global brand, the company launched the world's English name Lenovo, are in English speaking people read them, like an Italian dessert!

On the other hand, ThinkPad notebook computers name is the name of choice for global brands. Of course, there have to make sacrifices. ThinkPad notebooks represented. Our proposal is: cut down desktop PC business, focusing on notebook computers, at least in markets outside of China first adopted this strategy (this is not a bad idea, because the market has moved from desktops to laptops in transition).

In addition, we recommend focusing on one important feature of Lenovo. Our proposal is: for the ThinkPad Configuration longer battery standby time, may be eight hours of standby time. In this way, the company will be able to ThinkPad branded a "can stand to use a laptop all day."

This is somewhat similar to the strategy of BMW. BMW has developed to bring the driver to control the fun car. Then they focused on this theme - the "ultimate driving machine." Today, BMW is the world's best-selling luxury car brand, more than the Mercedes - Benz.

Can not understand the brand "civil war"

"Foreign Management": In recent years, the marketing Lenovo launched ideaPad action also includes the brand, and the ThinkPad brand and forming the pattern of al-brand operation. How is your view?

Rees: ThinkPad is IBM acquisition of projects with the greatest potential, and the best part. Introction of the proct named ideaPad will cause confusion among consumers, will also proce its own damaging effects on the ThinkPad. You may know that Lenovo has introced a heavy-ty workstation procts had called "ThinkStation".

But the ThinkStation, and its two major brands ideaPad mistakes. If competitors introce and ideaPad named procts ThinkStation Lenovo should sue them! Why? Because these two names make ThinkPad cause confusion - but this is the Lenovo launch their own.

"Foreign Management": In the past few years, the 2008 Olympic Games the largest global partner is a public relations event association. To join the global TOP Olympic program, the value of the international association be?

Rees: Olympic global partner program associate at least the international market, not a good investment returns, it is often more suitable for those who wish to disseminate information to all brands. Coca-Cola is in line with the standard brands. Lenovo to do is to narrow the focus, targeting a market segment with greater strengt

㈤ 联想的市场营销策略存在的问题及解决对策


㈥ 求与联想电脑的营销策略分析有关的参考文献



㈦ 求论文 联想集团在中国市场的营销战略分析

关税(Customs Duties or Tariff)是由海关代表国家,按照国家制定的关税政策和公布实施的税法和进出口税则,仅对进出关境自由流通的货物和物品征收的一种流转税[1]。关税概念有广义和狭义之分。广义的关税,不仅包括进出口环节的关税,还包括海关在进出口环节代征的其他国内税费,诸如增值税、消费税等;狭义的关税就仅仅指进出口环节的关税。关税是国家税收体系中的主要税种,属国家税收,是国际交换和国际化生产中的一种交易费用,是不同民族国家的国民在经济交换中的利益补偿手段,这是关税的最基本的属性。关税的征税主体是国家,海关只是一个执行机关,代表国家进行征收关税。
在2010年,一台I Pad、I phone需要缴纳的关税税率为:进口关税税率为20%,增值税为17%。换算下来,一台I Pad、I phone的进口关税是1000元人民币,已经相当于国产品牌手机比较上档次的手机价格了。即使中国财政部网站指出:“中国已将一些电子产品如笔记本电脑和数码相机的进口关税削减一半,电脑、数字录像机和照相机的进口关税将从1月27日起由20%下降到10%。”[2]也就是说,按照原来的20%关税计算的话,iPad的进口关税被设置为1000元(152美元)。一个16GB的 iPad在中国的进口关税是150美元,比美国的很贵。现在税率将为10%,那么一台iPad的进口关税将从1000元降至500元。虽然降了一大半,但是500元关税相对来说还是高了,特别是中国人民工资水平普遍不高的情况下,关税额度还是较高,无形增加了美国苹果公司产品的成本,降低了产品在中国市场的价格竞争力,降低产品销量,成为制约美国苹果公司进入中国市场的主要障碍。也一定程度上起到了关税保护民族工业发展的重要作用。

㈧ 联想的营销策略有何特色




从图中我们看到,它的产品多种多样,就笔记本而言,就包括:thinkpad,ideapad两种,thinkpad主要针对商人比较贵, ideapad主要针对大学生等平民,比较实惠。这样扩大了消费面,你可以看到,在两种pad里面,还分系列,什么G系列,Y系列等等,每个系列又有不同特点,如超值实用,新潮时尚等等,,选择多多每一个人都能选择适合自己的。这就是所谓的多品牌效应。



㈨ 联想公司的营销策略和他的企业文化

个人认为联想的营销策略是:合理的价位享受高质量的多品牌战略。回我们说营销策略包括答:价格,产品,渠道和促销。联想主要特色在产品上,我们看它的产品,它的产品多种多样,就笔记本而言,就包括:thinkpad ,ideapad两种,thinkpad主要针对商人比较贵, ideapad主要针对大学生等平民,比较实惠。这样扩大了消费面,你可以看到,在两种pad里面,还分系列,什么G系列,Y系列等等,每个系列又有不同特点,如超值实用,新潮时尚等等,选择多多每一个人都能选择适合自己的。这就是所谓的多品牌效应。说到“合理的价位享受高质量”,联想的价格,拿thinkpad来说,价格绝对不算贵,但和DELL,苹果的配置啥的差不多。这年头光价钱便宜已经不是足够吸引人的卖点了,你花十元买个一体台式电脑,第二天就分体了,有啥用。因此,人们买电脑的需求变了,人们不再只满足于价格的合适与否,人们更强调质量与价格并存,因此,买电脑的策略也要变。话快说完了,最后祝我们国产的联想能够越走越远!话外:亲,你买电脑了吗?要支持国产嗷!



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