導航:首頁 > 宣傳策劃 > 宣傳周英語


發布時間:2022-08-14 19:16:50



[拼音]:xuān chuán
give publicity to ;
promotion ;
propaganda ;
propagandize ;
conct propaganda;
give publicity to;
propagate ;
1.to propagate;
to propagandize;
to give publicity to;
to publicize;
to advertise;
to do (or conct) propaganda
advertisement ;
[參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英綜合科技大辭典 漢英綜合大詞典 漢英法學大詞典 漢英經貿大詞典 漢英航海大詞典 漢英綜合大詞典

大事宣傳 boom
虛假宣傳 crooked promotion
新聞宣傳 news propaganda
誇大宣傳 high sounding pubicity
美口宣傳 stump for
宣傳標語 catch-phrase
宣傳不夠 underadvertising; under advertising ; underadvertisi....
宣傳部門 publicity department
宣傳車 media mobile
宣傳單 promotional pamphlet; promotional paper
宣傳的 propagandistic; propagandist; tendencious
宣傳廣告 car card; puff
宣傳畫 poster
宣傳活動 propaganda
宣傳機構 propaganda
宣傳機關 propaganda
宣傳家的 propagandistic
宣傳科 1.a propaganda section
宣傳內容 propaganda
宣傳片 promotional film
進行宣傳 propagandize
大肆宣傳 blurb; hype; 1.to ballyhoo; to publicize widely ;&nbs....
大力宣傳 1.to trumpet; to conct vigorous propaganda
惡意宣傳 demagogy; demagogy
付費宣傳 paid publicity
煽動性宣傳 seditious propaganda
煽動與宣傳 agitprop
時事宣傳周 current affairs propaganda week
放肆的宣傳 razzmatazz; razzle-dazzle
反宣傳廣告 anticommercial
對...進行宣傳 propagandize
為...大肆宣傳 thump for
廣播<宣傳>車 sound truck
盛大的宣傳 boom
未經宣傳的 unpublicized
商業宣傳員 spieler
設計宣傳員 design promoter
過分的宣傳 razzmatazz; razzle-dazzle

㈡ 幫我翻譯下面這段話吧,謝謝,英語高手們!!!

In any hospital ring the Communist Youth League secretary of the student organizations, many group activities of the day: AIDS Awareness Week, the blood component of universal knowledge ... ... and a positive week for the delivery of outstanding members of the party organization. During the study to sum up a lot of coordination Incentive skills and improve their own communication, planning, organizational capacity.
At the same time, I was a school of the Red Cross Society of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics Division members had donated blood components, in Wenchuan after the earthquake donations several times (on-line, schools, mobile phone channels). Branches in the Fortnight in east many times to homes for the elderly, cleaning, playing guitar doors for the elderly. Feel for these activities is that they may give up some play time, the old people may have the feeling of well-being of the moment, it is worth!
Majoring in accounting, I am a person who has cultivated a cautious style, I have stimulated the number of sensitivity.

㈢ 繼續英語翻譯請教,括弧里的不用翻哦

1.(你的英文句子的意思是:「知識產權保護宣傳周」將以「尊重知識產權,維護社會主義市場經濟體制」為主題我認為在英文句子中沒有出現關於「即將開始」的單詞)所以應該這樣翻:A "respect intellectual property rights, the maintenance of market economy system" as the theme, "the protection of intellectual property rights publicity week"start

2.From the protection of intellectual property rights field at a Chinese(2樓說的不對,如果在這里出現就應該是的句子)

3.給予婦女權利:Giving women's rights(最後,.......,all these depend on the support of ecational development這樣表達可以)

4.Track requirements, and other athletes match field jumping and throwing items(如果這里的單詞你沒有學過你那樣翻也可以,意思差不多哦!)

5.堅持......的改革方向:(stick to the reformatory direction in..?也可以如果用「Insist... The reform direction」也許會更好)


PS:1)Children's .... is improving .... basic(基礎['beisik])你的句子的意思是為提高基礎的……沒有提到「兒童的」
2)當to表目的時需要加,we are looking forward that這樣表達可以

㈣ 北京活動周宣傳片《北京原色》 英語怎麼說

按照西方語言習慣應該是Beijing in color。按照字面直譯應該是beijing--primary colours

㈤ 請教高手為我修改一下英語演講稿,高分懸賞!!

do a presentation 做演講一般用make 或者說give you a presentation,do這個動詞太寬泛了。
the EXPO 2010 Shanghai China.這是比較書面的說法,在演講的時候可以直接說Shanghai Expo
, and the Expo 2010 will be held in shanghai from May 1st to October 31st, covering 184days, with a theme of 「better city, better life」. 此句完全可以自成一句,把前面的,and去掉反而顯得簡潔順暢。
many transportations show their contingency plans they established for the upcoming EXPO 此句中兩個動詞,要麼把they去掉,要麼改成從句which they established...
Because the bus would drive close 此處的because有點突兀,可用since
what was carried in the suitcase, which leaves me a deep impression of the high intensity of the public 這句中的leaves時態不對,應該為leaved
Then I feel full confident of the security work of the World EXPO.——then i felt full confidence in the security ...

but also the attention week organized by our college這句讓人不明所以,attention week這種說法太牽強了,可以直接說校園世博宣傳周「publicity week」
pass among us ——passes


㈥ 「節能宣傳周」和「節能我行動,低碳新生活」這兩句話英語分別怎麼說

Everyone participates in energy-saving actions to lead a new low-carbon life.



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